Dream a little on the first so that you can understand what it is that you desire. Ask for your dreams to come true on the 3rd and realize opportunities are available. Be ready to turn a corner on the 4thand look for the new beginnings. An awkward feeling on the 7th can be remedied by trusting your decisions. Speak up on the 9th and realize everyone has something to say.
Unexpected changes on the 11th could require that you change your direction. The Full Moon on the 12th is a time to be honest about what you want. Become more of an observer after the 13th and listen to your intuition. Be patient from the 15th to the 19th as some situations may be very undefined.
Keep your conversations simple on the 20th and do your best to stick to the point. Make a plan for moving forward on the 23rd and realize you will still need to take your time. Decisions are being made on the 25th and explanations may be challenging. The New Moon on the 27th brings surprises and completion. Trust yourself enough to start something new.