New Perspective for 2025


ARIES~ Positive conversations quickly turn into decisions in January. Changes in February brings joy that is long overdue. March is a time to listen to your heart and realize what you want next. Move slowly in April and give yourself a chance to be honest about how you feel. A fresh start in May is filled with celebration and the realization that life will now be different. Focus on your home in June and do things to make it more comfortable. Take care of your personal needs in July and realize how good that feels. Finances take an upswing in August and relationships seem easier also. Make yourself a priority in September and do what you have been waiting to do. Let other people have the spotlight in October and be content to play a background role. Take a leap of faith in November and realize it’s time to overcome your fears. December is a month to appreciate everything that has happened and make a plan for your future.


TAURUS~ Be honest with yourself in January and realize your body wants your attention. Step back a little in February and spend more time listening than talking. Do something to make your home more comfortable in March and realize how important this is. Trust your intuition in April as it guides you to make changes. Do something wonderful for yourself in May and remind yourself that you deserve this. Get together with family in June and remember to appreciate those who you love. Focus on your body in July and do something that feels healthy and helpful. Work gets your attention in August and it will be important to apply yourself. Temper your reaction in September and wait for the right time to express yourself. Follow your heart in October and remind yourself what is important to you. An emotional November will ask for you to speak opening about your feelings. December will be a time to think about the future and do something that supports the direction that you want to go.


GEMINI~ January is full of change and it will be important to pace yourself. Slow down in February and pay attention to what you are doing. Be patient in March and realize your time will come later. Listen to your intuition in April as it guides you through important changes. New beginnings in May happen quickly and will feel easy. Ask for what you want in June and know that you are deserving. Make your health important in July and remind yourself that this is necessary in order to feel good. Slow down in August and notice what is going on around you. Talk about your feelings in September and be sure that are completely honest. Relationships become very important in October and it’s time to support those people who have been there for you. Trust yourself in November as you make some emotional choices. December is a time to understand the importance of keeping an open heart to new experiences.


CANCER~ Changes in January need you to stand back and let things happen. A quiet approach in February will make it easier for you to move forward. Keep it simple in March and keep your attention on your own needs. Trust your intuition in April as you watch somethings come to an end. New beginnings in May feel good and will help you believe in your recent choices. Opportunities in June will be supportive and uplifting. July is a time to organize your life and appreciate everything that you have. Do something that you enjoy in August and realize how important this is. Ask for what you need in September and remember that you deserve to be happy. Allow yourself to be supported in October and experience how good this feels. Listen to your body in November and it will be easy to know what you need. Trust your intuition in December and go ahead and plan something wonderful.


LEO~ Take a chance in January and explore what might be possible. Step back a little in February while you wait for situations to change. Patience will be required in March so remind yourself there will be rewards in the near future. April begins to show new opportunities that could still take a while to reach fruition. Say “Yes” to something new in May and be ready to take action right away. Changes in June could surprise you and it will be important to stay flexible. Speak up in July and let your needs be met. August is a time to make a plan and remember to include the people who are important to you. September is all about you and what you want to do in the future. Let go of your fears in October and be willing to take a chance. November invites you to share your dreams with those who can help them come true. A joyful approach in December will make it easier for other people to open doors for you and invite you in.


VIRGO~ Slow down in January and watch all of the changes that are happening around you. Take a few small steps forward in February remembering to be patient and mindful with your choices. Make changes in your home in March that help you feel more comfortable. Listen to what others are saying in April and realize there are hints about your future. New beginnings in May are only a small version of things to come. Get involved in June and become an active participant in the changes that you want to see. Realize other people are looking at you in July in hopes of learning things that are important. Demonstrate what good choices look like in August and you will make a difference in the lives of those around you. Apply yourself fully in whatever you do in September and be willing to be a leader. Cooperate with other people in October and you will accomplish more than usual. November is a time to be honest about what you want to do next. Take a big step forward in December and trust that you know what you are doing.


LIBRA~ Dream about your future in January and begin planning something new. Spend more time listening than talking in February and you will learn something interesting. Keep it simple in March and stay focused on your needs. Move slowly in April and realize you need to let your body rest and catch up. Let yourself be seen in May and show the world what you want to do next. Changes in June are exciting and you will find a new level of motivation. Organize your life in July so that you can see clearly what needs your attention. An optimistic approach in August will make a big difference in the success of your endeavors. Shine your light for all to see in September and realize the impact you can have on those around you. Speak up in October and offer your wisdom to those who are asking. November is a time for sharing what you have learned in your life. Take a chance in December and be optimistic about your outcome.


SCORPIO~ Take care of your body in January and realize it wants your attention. Move slowly in February as new situations are starting to show themselves. Do what feels right in March and be willing to make the necessary changes. Cooperation is available in April when you are willing to listen to the input of others. Do your own thing in May and let other people take care of themselves also. Changes in June are surprising and may require you to be patient, Organize some part of your life in July to make room for the new things that are happening. Follow your heart in August as it invites you to explore new relationships. Find balance in September between activities and resting time. Move forward in October and realize it’s up to you to determine what happens next. Opportunities in November will work out best what you decide to lead the way. December is a time to show your leadership skills and be willing to be an active participant.


SAGITTARIUS~ Step into the limelight in January and realize it’s time for you to shine. Find some private time in February and give yourself a chance to regroup. Take some small steps forward in March and start something new. Be patient in April and realize some things take time to come together. Notice the change in May and let yourself be enthusiastic. Share your joy with those around you in June and let people know what you want to do next. Take time to organize your life in July so you can see the changes that you need to make. Speak up in August and ask to do something for yourself. Make yourself the most important in September and plan to do something that you enjoy. Enjoy your relationships in October and remind yourself how much you appreciate them. Move forward in November in the direction that you want to go next. December is a time to take a chance and begin exploring new opportunities.


CAPRICORN~ Make a decision in January and begin taking action right away. Trust your intuition in February when it invites you to move in a new direction. There are hints of new beginnings in March that will take more time before they are available. Step back and nurture yourself in April and realize your body wants your attention. Keep it simple in May and know that changes are right around the corner. June brings conversations about change and it’s important to be a participant. Take action in July and be willing to follow through with what you start. Hard work in August will pay off in the near future so make the effort to be productive. Find time to do what you want in September and realize you need a little play time. October invites you to get back to working hard creating new experiences. Take change in November and be fully involved in the changes that you want to see happen. December asks for you to speak up and let the world know what you are up to.


AQUARIUS~ Share your happiness with those around you in January and realize the impact you can have. Slow down a little in February and take care of your needs. March is a time to focus on your body and do things that support your health and well being. Find some private time in April and remember why this is so important. Start something new in May and let yourself be excited about your choices. Talk about your changes in June and realize now is the time to move forward. Think about the contribution that you want to make in July and do something to let it show. Listen to your inner voice in August and be honest about what you hear. September is a time to let people see what you are up to and be excited about it. Appreciate your relationships in October and let them know how you feel. Be open and honest about your feelings in November and realize what a difference this will make in your life. Take a chance in December and imagine your dreams coming true.


PISCES~ Take a deep breath in January and realize many things are changing. Step back a little in February and give yourself a chance to recharge and regroup. Only do what feels right in March and remind yourself why this is important. Listen to your intuition in April as it is guiding you through big changes. Do your own thing in May and let other people take care of there own choices. Be honest about what you see happening around you in June and accept the changes that are taking place. July is a time to move forward and take care of any loose ends. Listen in August and realize now is not the time to share your ideas. September provides many opportunities to talk about your changes and notice how much support you have. Be a cooperative influence in October and demonstrate to others how you want them to act. Everything speeds up in November and it will be important to be ready to go when asked. December is and exciting time filled with changes and new experiences that will show you what’s possible.