New Perspective for May



This month brings a variety of deep transformations beginning with steps that you take on the 3rd. Conversations on the 6th bring both healing and letting go of the past. The New Moon on the 7th asks for you to trust that you have what it takes to move forward. Take time over the next 5 days to think about what you want to do next.


A realization on the 13th leads to a decision that feels easy because you know it’s the next step.
Be patient after the 15th when you discover a change is necessary. Keep your words simple and to the point on the 17th and have faith in the opportunities that show up. Be willing to change your mind on the 20th as you adjust to what’s happening.


The Full Moon on the 23rd is the biggest day of the month and will be filled with insight and change. Appreciate your relationships on the 25th and notice how they contribute to your life. Decisions on the 27th will will require more change over the next few days. Keep your heart open on the 29th and listen for the messages. The month ends with new experiences and you will realize this is just the beginning.